The Cowboy’s Mystery

A cowboy rode into a small town on Friday, stayed for three days, and left on Friday. There were no trains or planes involved, and he didn’t leave early. How is this possible?

The cowboy’s horse is named Friday.


Key Riddle

What object has keys that open no locks, space but no room, and you can enter but not go in.

A computer keyboard.


The Broken Clock

A man looks at his broken clock and sees that it shows 2:00. He knows that when it broke, it was exactly 1 hour ahead of the correct time. He set off on a journey, which took him exactly one hour. When he arrived, he checked a working clock and realized the time was 3:00. What time did the broken clock actually stop?

The clock stopped at 1:00, but since it was running 1 hour fast, it showed 2:00 when it broke.