A record.
Breaking for the Better
Break it and it gets better; set it and it’s harder to break.
Break it and it gets better; set it and it’s harder to break.
A record.
I have three feet, but I can’t stand without leaning. I have no arms to hold me up. What am I?
A yardstick.
What loses its head in the morning and gets it back at night?
A pillow.
Take away the whole, and some remains. What is it?
The word “wholesome.”
Turn me on my side, and I am everything. Cut me in half, and I am nothing. What am I?
The number 8.
You find me in December, but not in any other month.
What am I?
The letter “D”.
With pointed fangs, I sit and wait; with piercing force, I crunch out fate. I grab victims, proclaiming might, and physically join with a single bite. What am I?
A stapler.
What is able to go up a chimney when down but unable to go down a chimney when up?
An umbrella.
How is seven different from the rest of the numbers between one and ten?
Seven is the only number with two syllables.
A is the brother of B.
B is the brother of C.
C is the father of D.
How is D related to A?
A is D’s uncle.
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