The Vast Mystery

I look flat, but I am deep,
Hidden realms I shelter.
Lives I take, but food I offer.
At times I am beautiful.
I can be calm, angry, and turbulent.
I have no heart, but offer pleasure as well as death.
No man can own me, yet I encompass what all men must have.
What am I?

The ocean.


The “E” Puzzle

I start with the letter “e”, I end with the letter “e”. I contain only one letter, yet I am not the letter “e”! What am I?

An envelope.


The Loud Mouth Riddle

I have a big mouth, and I am also quite loud! I am NOT  gossip, but I do get involved with everyone’s dirty business.

A vacuum cleaner.


The Outdoor Worker

I’m like a doll, but I’m not for playing;
I stand up straight, but if it’s windy I may be laying;
I work outside both day and night, in sunshine or in rain.
What am I?

A scarecrow.


The Number Puzzle Challenge

Can you combine plus signs and five 2’s to get 28? Can you combine plus signs and eight 8’s to get 1,000?

Answer 1 (Five 2’s to get 28):
22 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 28.

Answer 2 (Eight 8’s to get 1,000):
888 + 88 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 1,000.


The Symbolic World Puzzle

I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, and rivers but no water. I show the world but hold none of its substance. What am I?

A map.


The Math Puzzle

Divide 30 by half and add 10. What do you get?


When you divide 30 by half, you’re actually multiplying it by 2 (since dividing by 1/2 is the same as multiplying by 2). So, 30 ÷ 1/2 = 60. Then, add 10, and you get 70.


The Desert Backpack Puzzle

Two men are in a desert. They both have backpacks on. One of the men is dead. The man who is alive has his backpack open, and the man who is dead has his backpack closed. What is in the dead man’s backpack?

A parachute.


The Prisoner’s Paradox

A prisoner is told: “If you tell a lie, we will hang you, and if you tell the truth, we will shoot you.”
What did the prisoner say to save himself?

The prisoner said, “You will hang me.”

This creates a paradox: if the statement is true, they should shoot him, but if it’s false, they should hang him. Unable to carry out either punishment without contradicting themselves, the prisoner is saved.


The Three Consecutive Double Letters

What English word has three consecutive double letters?


Think of a compound word related to keeping records or accounts. It’s something that involves reading and writing, and the double letters come from combining two words you likely already know!
